Nov 19 - 23rd, 2023
Robert Pawliczek

Press Release
By Clara Grillmaier
3-Piece explores the sculptural aspects of painting, creating a so-called Painting Object that plays with the relationship between form and space. Through the artist’s intervention of the gallery’s architecture, the space and the Painting Object interact.
The view of the object through the door suggests an optical irritation, a two-dimensional painting of a clean geometry. Solely by the awareness of one's own physical presence, experimentation with perspective, depth and distance the installation can be experienced in a three-dimensional way.
The work consists of 3 individual canvases, composed following a centralized vanishing point. Visually the pieces are connected by a straight line. The Painting Object creates its own space within the space but is enclosed in itself. What lies behind the canvas of the Painting Object remains a simulation by the visitor’s imagination.